Here are laboratories, offices, a workshop and the institute garden with some bee colonies and the bee house for the scientists and the beekeepers of the institute. University practicals, university courses, school tours and conferences are held here with S1 research standards for cell culture, histology, electrophysiology and molecular biology.

Biologicum Campus Riedberg
Here, especially cell physiological techniques are applied, and cooperation with the other research groups of the Department of Biology is promoted. A modern equipped course room is available for teaching in the Master's programs.
copyright: Uwe Dettmar, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

New building in Oberursel
The design of the office "ARGE ts/c and Marcel Heller" has prevailed among a total of 72 participants in the architectural competition. The sustainable timber construction provides for three buildings for research and teaching, beekeeping, and administration.